A Study on the Historical Value of Taereung Seonsuchon, Korean Elite Sports Mecca 한국 엘리트스포츠의 메카, 태릉선수촌의 역사적 가치
하정희JungHeeHa , 손환HwanSon , 중앙대학교ChungAngUniv
53(2) 1-9, 2014
A Study on the Historical Value of Taereung Seonsuchon, Korean Elite Sports Mecca 한국 엘리트스포츠의 메카, 태릉선수촌의 역사적 가치
하정희JungHeeHa , 손환HwanSon , 중앙대학교ChungAngUniv
This study examined the built of Taereung Seonsuchon, the historical value of Taereung Seonsuchon, and the relationship between Taereung Seonsuchon and Korea sports to investigate Taereung Seonsuchon, the Korean elite sports mecca. And the result of the study is as follows. Taereung Seonsuchon was built by patience and energy of Min Gwan Sik, the Korean Olympic Committee President of the time, for the reconstruction of Korea sports after Tokyo Olympic Games. It formed the basis to improve the status of Korea at several international sports stage. It also has a historical and cultural value since a number of member of national team’s hard works are remained. Therefore Taereung Seonsuchon, which has a symbolic meaning of spirits of Korea sports, should not be neglected to be disappeared like Dongdaemun Sports Complex. We have to confirmed the fact that sports facilities can have enough cultural value and have to find a way to preserve it actively so that we can leave Taereung Seonsuchon as a sports cultural heritage over to descendant.
Key Words
mecca of korea sports, build of taereung seonsuchon, historical value of taereung seonsuchon
A study on racetrack circumstance of the Seoul after Korea-war -Focusing on Seoul racetrack- 한국전쟁 이후 서울의 경마장 상황(狀況)에 관한 연구 -뚝섬 소재 서울경마장을 중심으로-
조문기MoonGiCho , 임석원SukWonYim
53(2) 11-19, 2014
A study on racetrack circumstance of the Seoul after Korea-war -Focusing on Seoul racetrack- 한국전쟁 이후 서울의 경마장 상황(狀況)에 관한 연구 -뚝섬 소재 서울경마장을 중심으로-
조문기MoonGiCho , 임석원SukWonYim
This study was in since the korea war situation in the Republic of Korea to see racecourse. Seoul Ttukseom research centered on the racetrack was then reached some conclusions. First, because of the war destroyed Sinseol racetrack want it instead became Ttukseom was born racetrack. Second, the government, led by public and private care while passing through the racecourse Ttukseom developed. Third, Ttukseom racecourse was run for 36 years, successfully. August 31, 1989, and moved to the Gwacheon.
Key Words
since the korea war, Ttukseom racetrack, Ttukseom racecourse was run for 36 years
A Study on the Activity to Physical Education Stabilization of Chosun Chejo Yonmang during the US Military Government Era(1945-1948) 미군정기 조선체조연맹의 체육교육 정상화 활동에 관한 연구
임석원SukWonYim , 조문기MoonGiCho
53(2) 21-30, 2014
A Study on the Activity to Physical Education Stabilization of Chosun Chejo Yonmang during the US Military Government Era(1945-1948) 미군정기 조선체조연맹의 체육교육 정상화 활동에 관한 연구
임석원SukWonYim , 조문기MoonGiCho
This study examined the establishment and popularization realities of the National Health Gymnastics carried out for thewhole nation as a domain of ‘new physical education movement’ initiated shortly after the liberation from Japanese occupation,and reached the following conclusions through reviewing the primary historical sources such as the first volume of ChosunChejo Yonmang Collections, bulletins, newspapers, photographs, autobiographies and other related materials. The establishmentof the Chosun Chejo Yonmang(August 11, 1946) was made on the basis of the trend of Chosun sports world recognizing asthe national policy the restoration of the national power through the accommodation of new physical education ideology andthe nation founding on physical education, and to reform the national brand, ‘Korea’. The establishment and popularization ofthe Chosun Chejo Yonmang is thought to have been a turning point from the nation-leading physical education based onschool physical education in the times before the liberation to civilian-leading physical education based on athletics in public.
Key Words
Chosun Chejo Yonmang, USAMGIK, Liberation
The Academic Position and Tasks of Sport Philosophy 스포츠철학의 학문적 위상과 과제
53(2) 31-39, 2014
The Academic Position and Tasks of Sport Philosophy 스포츠철학의 학문적 위상과 과제
The purpose of this study was to clarify the causes of low position of sport philosophy in sport science and to propose tasksof overcoming this desperate situation. Sport philosophy was in the difficult situation because the advent of new subject likea sport history/philosophy and the loss of academical prestige with the separation of sport ethics from sport philosophy. Thecauses of this situation as follows: First, internal problems were a shortage of labor of an academy for establishing the bodyof knowledge and an insufficiency of scholars for furious activity in an academy and for enhancing their professionalism. Second, external problems were that sport philosophy became a victim of indiscreet convergence/integration and consilienceand was neglected as an impractical subject in an university education for employment. It would be necessary for overcomingthis problematic situation that sport philosophy would have to establish the body of knowledge, maintain the unity andaffinity of research method, be in full play in an academy, enhance the academical professionalism of our field for rational andproductive convergence/integration and consilience, and discover a new role for raising professionalism of the students whospecialize in sport at the university.
Key Words
sport philosophy, academic position, sport history/philosophy, convergence/integration, academical professionalism
An Analysis of Model on Relationship among Self-discipline, Exercise-fun Factors and Athletics Outcomes of University Golf Athletes 대학 골프선수들의 자기관리와 운동재미 요인, 운동성과 간의 관계모형 분석
김춘종ChunJongKim , 손승범SeungBumSon
53(2) 41-52, 2014
An Analysis of Model on Relationship among Self-discipline, Exercise-fun Factors and Athletics Outcomes of University Golf Athletes 대학 골프선수들의 자기관리와 운동재미 요인, 운동성과 간의 관계모형 분석
김춘종ChunJongKim , 손승범SeungBumSon
The purpose of this study was to examine the model indicated relationship among self-discipline, exercise-fun factors andathletic outcomes of University Golf Athletes. To achieve its goal, this study targeted on golf athletes who is attending adivision of golf in universities. And then collected 300 questionaries by using convenience sample method. After the surveying,255 questionaries were used. As for statistical method for the data processing, this research conducted frequency analysis,reliability analysis, correlation analysis. And the following result came out using SPSS/WIN v. 20.0 and AMOS v. 20.0 andinvestigating confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling with two-step approach by Anderson &Gerbing(1988). First, structural model of the study which was set to explain self-discipline, exercise-fun factor and athleticsoutcomes of university golf athletes was suitable. Second, self-discipline had positive effect on exercise-fun factor and athleticsoutcomes, and also exercise-fun factor had positive effect on athletics outcomes. Third, the relationship between self-disciplineand exercise-fun factor had high effect, and the relationship between exercise-fun factor and athletics outcomes had also higheffect too. According to verification result of indirect effect about exercise-fun factor, which shows intermediary role betweenself-discipline and athletics outcomes.
Key Words
University Golf Athletes, Self-discipline, Exercise-fun Factors, Athletics Outcomes
The Effect of the Team Communication and Team Atmosphere of Baseball Club Members on Team Effectiveness. 야구 동호회의 팀 커뮤니케이션과 팀 분위기가 팀 효과성에 미치는 영향
이철승CheolSeungLee , 이근모KeunMoLee , 김준JunKim
53(2) 53-65, 2014
The Effect of the Team Communication and Team Atmosphere of Baseball Club Members on Team Effectiveness. 야구 동호회의 팀 커뮤니케이션과 팀 분위기가 팀 효과성에 미치는 영향
이철승CheolSeungLee , 이근모KeunMoLee , 김준JunKim
This study aims to empirically showed the effect of team communication and team atmosphere of social baseball club members on their team effectiveness. To achieve this goal, adults participating social baseball club in Busan region in 2011 were chosen as the population and for sampling, the valid sample of 302 persons have been used for the analysis using convenience sampling. Questionnaires for team communication are utilized by Kim(2007)’s survey. Team atmosphere and team effectiveness questionnaires are utilized by Kwon(2006)’s survey. As a data analysis, multiple regression analysis have been executed, using Window SPSS Ver. 18.0 program. The results are showed as following. First, it found that team communication had a significant effect on team atmosphere. Second, it found that team communication had a significant effect on team effectiveness. Third, it found that team atmosphere had a significant effect on team effectiveness.
Key Words
social baseball club members, team communication, team atmosphere, team effectiveness
A Proposal on operation of Sports program for Integration Society in Multi-cultural Society 다문화 사회통합 스포츠프로그램 운영방안
53(2) 67-78, 2014
A Proposal on operation of Sports program for Integration Society in Multi-cultural Society 다문화 사회통합 스포츠프로그램 운영방안
The purpose of this study was to select the factors, and analyze the relative importance and priorities among operation ofSports program for Integration Society in Multi-cultural Society. A purposive sample of 25 experts participated in Delphiprocess, Questionna, AHP. The results of study are as follows: 5 factors and 27 sub-factors were selected in basic investigation,program, public relation, manpower and Assistance. Basic investigation was comprised of 2 sub-factor such as change ofrecognition and investigation of request. Program was comprised of 3 sub-factor such as variety form of a class, programdevelopment and diversify object. Public relation was comprised of 2 sub-factor such as support of language and strategyvariety public relation. Manpower was comprised of 2 sub-factor such as training and education.
Assistance Was comprised of 2 sub-factor such as administrative support and financial aid. Priorities of 5 selected factors byanalytical hierarchy process were in order of basic investigation, public relation, program, assistance and manpower. Inparticular, appeared that investigation of request is the most important. Need preference test process that grasp services anddesire by target. Should decide how will operate program after investigate convenient time zone or item and economicsituation in the advance. Plan that priority was the lowest appeared by one-off event business.
Key Words
Multi-cultural Society, Integration Society, operation of Sports program, AHP
The Alienation of Student-athletes from Marx"s Perspective 공부하는 학생선수 소외에 관한 마르크스주의적 분석
53(2) 79-91, 2014
The Alienation of Student-athletes from Marx"s Perspective 공부하는 학생선수 소외에 관한 마르크스주의적 분석
his study examined how student athletes experience alienation from Marx’s perspective. By analyzing several cases obtained interviews, this study categorized their experiences into four types of alienation as follows. The first type of alienation that student athletes experience is ‘the alienation from the body’. For example, when they are injured, they sometimes keep training bearing pain. In this case, ‘the alienation from the body’ is disclosed as their alienated bodies stand against student athletes themselves. The second is ‘the alienation from the act of sport’. When student athletes lose their subjecthood with limited autonomy, the alienation from the act of sport is witnessed. The third is ‘the alienation from species-character of humankind. When student athletes are largely subject to extrinsic rewards, they are not allowed to fully experience ‘a plurality of interests’ and ‘psychological dynamism’ that sporting activities would naturally offer. The fourth is ‘alienation of the individual from other people’. When coaches suppress their personal autonomy to extract from student athletes as much value as possible in the form of capital, student athletes could experience the alienation from others. The las one is ‘the self-alienation’. Student athletes experience ‘the self-alienation’ when they found themselves separated from the classroom setting where they would have otherwise been.
Key Words
student-athletes, alienation, Marx, school sports
The Relationship Between the Report Style and Contents of News Articles Represented in the Process of Yeonjae Son"s Rise to Stardom : A Comparative Analysis with Yuna Kim"s 손연재 선수의 스타화 과정에서 나타난 신문기사의 보도형태와보도내용의 관계: 김연아 선수와의 비교연구
정현HyunJung , 장익영IkYoungChang , 이종영JongYoungLee
53(2) 93-107, 2014
The Relationship Between the Report Style and Contents of News Articles Represented in the Process of Yeonjae Son"s Rise to Stardom : A Comparative Analysis with Yuna Kim"s 손연재 선수의 스타화 과정에서 나타난 신문기사의 보도형태와보도내용의 관계: 김연아 선수와의 비교연구
정현HyunJung , 장익영IkYoungChang , 이종영JongYoungLee
This study investigated the report style and contents of news articles represented in the process of Yeonjae Son’s rise tostardom and compared with Yuna Kim’s. More specifically, I explored how the media produces and reproduces athletes’riseto stardom. To compare and contrast the report style and contents of news articles between two athletes, data were collectedfrom two major newspapers(Chosun Daily and Dong-a Daily). Drawing from contents analysis, key findings are linked to: 1)reporting style of articles on Yeonjae Son and Yuna Kim was similar. In other words, feature style featured prominently inarticles on both athletes, 2) while the contents of articles on Yeonjae Son focused primarily on athletic performances, mostarticles on Yuna Kim devoted a lot of space to reports on celebrity and 3) in comparison between report style and contentsof news articles, it revealed similarity and difference.
Key Words
report style, contents of news article, star, sport player, sport star
A Study on the Multicutural Discourse of Korean Professional Sports in On-Line Community 스포츠 다문화 담론 분석: 프로농구 온라인 커뮤니티를 중심으로
53(2) 109-119, 2014
A Study on the Multicutural Discourse of Korean Professional Sports in On-Line Community 스포츠 다문화 담론 분석: 프로농구 온라인 커뮤니티를 중심으로
The purpose of this study is to examine the racism and multiculturalism about foreign players in professional sports league by analyzing the texts of internet boards in sports on-line community. The texts and replies of internet board which are produced by sports fans about Korean professional baseball league were analyzed with the interpretative textual analysis. The results of this study are as follows. The texts were mostly focused on foreign players’ position and conditions. Sports fans communicated about foreign players and their issues on internet board as public sphere. Also, most comments described the system of foreign players’employments. As the influence of foreign players in Korean basketball league was increased, the interest of its institutional improvement was more demanding. While there were discrimination against nationality and ethnicity and foreign players were not treated equally with Korean players, sports fans showed their welcoming culture and open minded on different nationality and ethnicity of foreign players.
Diplomacy Case of Hallelujah Soccer Team Through International Sports Exchange 할렐루야 프로축구팀의 국제스포츠교류를 통한 스포츠 외교사례
구자영JaYoungKu , 최문정MoonJungCho , 김범식BeomSigKim
53(2) 121-136, 2014
Diplomacy Case of Hallelujah Soccer Team Through International Sports Exchange 할렐루야 프로축구팀의 국제스포츠교류를 통한 스포츠 외교사례
구자영JaYoungKu , 최문정MoonJungCho , 김범식BeomSigKim
This study aims to examine examples of sports diplomacy for 4 months from April, 2013, through international sport interchange of Hallelujah pro soccer team. Eight experts were selected to be interviewed for foresaid goal, and following results were derived. First, as a form of nongovernmental diplomacy, Hallelujah pro soccer team has invited children for soccer education and game watching, donated ticket income to the local region, and improved and promoted national and corporate images with its fair play and excellent skills. Second, the effect that diplomatic activities of Hallelujah pro soccer team have on specific nation is that its soccer games temporarily resolved conflicts such as civil war and religious dispute. Those also have greatly encouraged local Korean residents. In addition, by having connection with Korean business, it has led industrial revitalization of the nations. LG Electronics Inc. has also promised to continuously build and invest in social welfare facilities for children. Therefore, this study was able to confirm that nongovernmental diplomatic activities through soccer are possible.
The Relationship Between Self-Leadership and Self-Esteem of College Students 대학생의 셀프리더십과 자아존중감의 관계
53(2) 137-149, 2014
The Relationship Between Self-Leadership and Self-Esteem of College Students 대학생의 셀프리더십과 자아존중감의 관계
This study by the department general, physical education and self leadership classified according to the specific sub-factors to determine the causal relationship between self-esteem by looking at self-improvement training programs for leadership development that can be utilized as the basis for a rationale the purpose of this study is to be. Each object of investigation B, D, J city university of sampling method using significantly to the total valid sample of 817 people was common method of data analysis and confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis, pearson ‘s correlation analysis, hierarchical regression analysis was performed the results were as follows. By series action-oriented strategy commonly observed factors of self- reward and self-esteem has had a significant impact on physical education students in the self-goal setting, self-punishment, university-based general self-esteem significant influence on . In addition, compensation is naturally athletic, normal family common to influence positive self-esteem appeared and constructive thinking patterns and physical education college students to imagine a successful implementation of strategies, beliefs and assumptions of the analysis of the general university based factors in positive self-esteem significant influence. These results suggest that relationship of students’ self-esteem and self-leadership strategies were discussed.
Key Words
self-Leadership, self-esteem
Relationship among Participation Motivation of Orienteering Competition, Leisure Satisfaction and Exercise Adherence Intention 오리엔티어링대회 참가자의 참여동기와 여가만족 그리고 운동지속의도의 관계
유인영InYoungYou , 박인경InKyoungPar
53(2) 151-162, 2014
Relationship among Participation Motivation of Orienteering Competition, Leisure Satisfaction and Exercise Adherence Intention 오리엔티어링대회 참가자의 참여동기와 여가만족 그리고 운동지속의도의 관계
유인영InYoungYou , 박인경InKyoungPar
The purpose of this study is to identify the structure and relationship among participation motivation of orienteering competition, leisure satisfaction and exercise adherence intention. For the results, it was accomplished frequency analysis, ANOVA, exploratory factor analysis, reliability test, correlation analysis, path analysis by SPSS 18.0, AMOS 18.0 from 264 participants who were participated in orienteering competition. The results is as below. First, there were significant differences among participation motivation, leisure satisfaction and exercise adherence intention. Second, there were significant relations among participation motivation, leisure satisfaction and exercise adherence intention. Third, Internal motivation had positive effect on leisure satisfaction and exercise adherence intention. Forth, amotivation influenced leisure satisfaction and exercise adherence intention negatively. Fifth, leisure satisfaction had positive effect on exercise adherence intention. From the results, it was identified that participation motivation was significant factor to leisure satisfaction and exercise adherence intention. Also for activating the orienteering, it was need to have plan for promoting the internal motivation.
Communication and Psychological Skills for Crisis-Coping Strategies in Tour Golfers 투어 골프선수의 위기-대처행동 전략을 위한 커뮤니케이션과 심리기술의 관계
최헌혁HunHyukChoi , 허진영JinYoungHu , 이보리BoRheeLee
53(2) 163-174, 2014
Communication and Psychological Skills for Crisis-Coping Strategies in Tour Golfers 투어 골프선수의 위기-대처행동 전략을 위한 커뮤니케이션과 심리기술의 관계
최헌혁HunHyukChoi , 허진영JinYoungHu , 이보리BoRheeLee
The purpose of this study was to examine the mediation effects of the psychological skills on the relationship between communication and crisis-coping in tour golfers. Participants(N=108) completed the questionnaires of the communication, psychological skill, and perceived athlete coping strategies. SPSS18.0 and AMOS16.0 were used to analyze the descriptive statistics, confirmatory factory analysis and structural equation modeling with bootstrapping using of the data in this study. Findings reveal that the communication significantly affected the psychological skills. Second, psychological skills significantly affected the crisis-coping. Third, communication significantly affected the crisis-coping. There were finally the mediation effects of the psychological skills on the relationship between communication and crisis-coping. Overall, we believe that this study may provide a chance for athletes to more pay attention on the topic of communication in sport, and for researchers to apply the theory in sport psychology to the practical sport situations.
Difference in Health Promoting Behaviors and Happiness among Middle- aged Women According to their Regular Excercise Participation and Perception of Health Condition 중년여성의 규칙적인 운동참여와 건강상태지각에 따른 건강증진행동 및 행복의 차이
김미량MiLyangKim , 이동현DongHyunLee
53(2) 175-186, 2014
Difference in Health Promoting Behaviors and Happiness among Middle- aged Women According to their Regular Excercise Participation and Perception of Health Condition 중년여성의 규칙적인 운동참여와 건강상태지각에 따른 건강증진행동 및 행복의 차이
김미량MiLyangKim , 이동현DongHyunLee
This study was conducted to investigate whether there are any differences in health promoting behaviors and happiness among middle-aged women according to their regular exercise participation and perceived level of health condition. It has been known that regular exercise participation and subjective perception of health status are important motivational factors of health promoting behaviors and sense of happiness. A structured questionnaire survey was conducted targeting middle-aged women, and a total of 249 survey responses were used for final analysis. First, according to the study results, the subjects were classified into four groups depending on their regular participation in exercise and perceived level of health condition. Second, statistically significant differences were found across groups in terms of health promoting behaviors. Third, analyzing the difference in happiness across groups, it was found that there are significant differences among the four groups. Therefore, the present study demonstrated that it is appropriate to consider both the perceived level of health condition and regular participation in exercise of a given population when conducting studies about their health promoting behaviors and happiness.
Key Words
health promoting behavior, perception of health condition, middle-age women, regular exercise
Exploration into Faking in Athletes’ Psychological Skills and Self-Management Questionnaire 운동선수의 심리기술과 자기관리행동 검사에서의 응답왜곡 탐색
윤대현DaeHyunYun , 박세윤SeYunPark
53(2) 187-199, 2014
Exploration into Faking in Athletes’ Psychological Skills and Self-Management Questionnaire 운동선수의 심리기술과 자기관리행동 검사에서의 응답왜곡 탐색
윤대현DaeHyunYun , 박세윤SeYunPark
Although there were some studies on faking in psychological research field, there was little study on faking in sport science research field. This research investigates possibility to faking psychological skills and self-management questionnaire in athletes. Data were collected from a sample of 139 school athletes (mean age = 15.54) in physical education middle and high school. Based on pre-test, subjects were divided into a control and intervention groups. Post-test data were collected after four weeks followed interventions. Compared with control group, non-intended faking was not significant by introduction of psychological skills and self-management, but intended faking was effected (d=.43~.52) by individual pre-test information, introduction of psychological skills and self-management. Results indicate that there are possibilities of faking on psychological skills training-related questionnaires by given information, expected response and related situation among athletes.
Key Words
faking, psychological skills, self-management
Associations between Physical Activity and Health-Related Quality of Life in Korean Adults : KNHANES V-2 한국인의 신체활동과 건강관련 삶의 질 관련요인 및 관계성: 제5기 2차년도(2011) 국민건강영양조사 분석
박세윤SeYunPark , 윤대현DaeHyunYun
53(2) 201-214, 2014
Associations between Physical Activity and Health-Related Quality of Life in Korean Adults : KNHANES V-2 한국인의 신체활동과 건강관련 삶의 질 관련요인 및 관계성: 제5기 2차년도(2011) 국민건강영양조사 분석
박세윤SeYunPark , 윤대현DaeHyunYun
This research aimed to investigate relationships among physical activity (PA), sociodemographic factors and health-related quality of life (HRQL) in Korean adults. The Fifth 2011 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (5th KNHANES V-2) data contained responses from 8,518 Koreans on health and nutrition behavior. For this study, we used a subset of that data and examined 5,941 Korean adults (over 19 years old) who completed both International Physical Activity Questionnaire-short forms (IPAQ) and Euro Quality of Life-5 Dimensions (EQ-5D). A complex sample design cross-sectional analysis was used to calculate PA prevalence and adjusted logistic regression was used to assess the odds of adverse HRQL by PA level. Results indicated that PA related with age, education, marital status, employment status, occupation and positively related alcohol usage both male and female. Additionally, smoking was only negatively related with PA in males, while household income was positively related with PA in females. Less sociodemographic factors were related with HRQL in higher PA level. Age, household income, education were related with HRQL in all PA level. High PA level in male and moderate PA level in women were negatively associated with an increased likelihood of poor HRQL after adjusted sociodemographic factors.
Key Words
physical activity, health-related quality of Life, sociodemographic factors, Logistic regression
The Effect of Intensive After-school Newsports Program on Middle School Students’ Personality Development 단기간의 집중적인 방과 후 뉴스포츠활동이 학생들의 인성발달에 미치는 효과
권형일HyoungIlKwon , 우승호SeungHoWoo , 강연정YunJungKang
53(2) 215-226, 2014
The Effect of Intensive After-school Newsports Program on Middle School Students’ Personality Development 단기간의 집중적인 방과 후 뉴스포츠활동이 학생들의 인성발달에 미치는 효과
권형일HyoungIlKwon , 우승호SeungHoWoo , 강연정YunJungKang
The purpose of this study was to empirically examine the effect of intensive after-school newsports program on the personality development among middle school students. To achieve this purpose, questionnaires were distributed to 80 students attending N middle school located at Yangju-si, Gyeonggido (39 male students and 39 female students). The study used pre-post test control group design The collected data were then analyzed by frequency analysis, descriptive statistic analysis, independent t-test, and paired t-test using SPSS 20 software program. As a result, newsports program had a significant impact on self-sacrifice and positive attitude among four sub-dimensions of personality while newsports did not significantly predict confidence and community spirit. Moreover, the results revealed that newsports programs had a strong and positive impact on both the attitude toward the physical education classes and the improvement in the feeling of happiness with school life such as relationship with teachers and friends.
Key Words
Newsports, self-sacrifice, positive atitude
Content Analysis on the Leisure Activity Section in the Authorized Elementary School Physical Education Textbooks of 2009 Curriculum Revision 2009 개정 교육과정에 따른 초등학교 검정 체육교과서 여가활동 내용 분석
한만석ManSeokHan , 이해령HaeRyungLee , 김매이MaYKim
53(2) 227-237, 2014
Content Analysis on the Leisure Activity Section in the Authorized Elementary School Physical Education Textbooks of 2009 Curriculum Revision 2009 개정 교육과정에 따른 초등학교 검정 체육교과서 여가활동 내용 분석
한만석ManSeokHan , 이해령HaeRyungLee , 김매이MaYKim
The purposes of the study is to conduct content analysis on leisure activity sections in the authorized physical education textbooks of 2009 curriculum revision and provide the direction for future leisure education. In order to accomplish the study purpose, 12 different authorized physical education textbooks for the third and fourth grades in elementary school were analyzed. The physical education textbooks were classified based on the organizing system and contents and the classified contents were examined through the comparative analysis. The results show that the portion of the leisure section is smaller than other four life-skill sections in the textbooks. Although the titles and organization of the contents are not identical, understanding of the leisure contents or perception are written before experiencing of leisure activities. Both creativity and character education factors are reflected in the context relatively well. Compared to the previous curriculum, the instructional objectives related to cognitive domain are increased; however, the major portion of the contents is related to physical activity domain and the instructional objectives on affective domain are still lack.
Key Words
Leisure education, comparative analysis, PE textbooks, elementary school
Exploring the "Sunshine and Shadow" of the Lived Experience of Mentoring in the Elementary Physical Education Classes 초등학교 체육과 수업 멘토링 체험의 빛과 그림자 드러내기
이영국YoungKukLee , 조남용NamYongCho
53(2) 239-260, 2014
Exploring the "Sunshine and Shadow" of the Lived Experience of Mentoring in the Elementary Physical Education Classes 초등학교 체육과 수업 멘토링 체험의 빛과 그림자 드러내기
이영국YoungKukLee , 조남용NamYongCho
The purpose of this study was to explore the ‘sunshine’(as a metaphor of positive aspect) and ‘shadow’(as a metaphor of negative aspect) of mentoring based on phenomenological qualitative research which included the method of self-study and ethnography. Data were collected for about 1 year from Feb. 2007 to Mar. 2008 from the following 4 methods: a) mentor-researcher’s participant observation of the mentees’(2 beginning teachers) PE classes, b) mentees’ participant observation of the mentor’s PE classes, c) interviews with mentee or peer teachers, and d) analysis of mentoring texts which included the mentor’s mentoring journal, interview notes, and pre-existing physical education mentoring literature. Data were analyzed and interpreted by hermeneutic circle, analyses of themes, thematic analysis, and member check. As a result, three parts were categorized; first, in ‘the sunshine of mentoring’, the attitude of mentees and positive changes of the mentor were examined. second, in ‘the shadow of mentoring,’ the mentees’ negative emotions and difficulties of mentoring were examined. finally, some suggestions for improving the negative aspects of mentoring were described.
Key Words
mentoring, positive attitude, negative emotions, phenomenological research
Middle School Physical Education Teachers’ Teaching Behavior Patterns Analysis 중학교 체육교사의 교수행동 패턴 분석
The purpose of this study was to explore real teaching behavior patterns and analysis P.E. teachers’ teaching behavior patterns by systematically analyzed using analytical methods in middle school P.E. class. Subjects were participated in 3 cities, 4 middle school, 4 teachers in Gyunggi province in Korea. Instruction contents were recorded without any control of the actual progress of each school class curriculum as it was shooting the scene. Analysing tool of teaching behaviors were used teaching behaviors recording sheet by Stewart(1977) and teaching evaluation system of West Virginia Univ. We revised these analysis tools for korean styles teaching behaviors analysis by supervisor and studying discussion. In this paper, first, Middle school P.E. teachers used too many times about management and searching time in their class. second, teaching of sanctions, depending on class actions, because quality varies hour and must be properly allocated. third, according to the circumstances of the particular class professor could not find the difference. conclusion, teachers have to efforts School of Physical Education and the environment will continue to change due to sanctions, Teachers to check their own classes to allow for effective teaching and should strive constantly.
Key Words
teaching behaviors, effective teaching, P.E. class
Sports Wear Company Assembly Line Balancing Problem Using Terminal Node Bin Packing Algorithm 스포츠의류제조사 조립라인 균형문제의 단노드 상자 채우기
유재구JaeGuY , 김민길MinKilKim , 김석규SukKyuKim
53(2) 273-279, 2014
Sports Wear Company Assembly Line Balancing Problem Using Terminal Node Bin Packing Algorithm 스포츠의류제조사 조립라인 균형문제의 단노드 상자 채우기
유재구JaeGuY , 김민길MinKilKim , 김석규SukKyuKim
This paper suggests heuristic algorithm for assembly line balancing problem of sports clothing company that is a kind of NP-hard problem. This problem primarily can be solved metaheuristic method. In this paper, we propose terminal node bin packing algorithm which packs bins with operations up to cycle time from the starting operation in precedence diagram. For two types of clothing products, the proposed terminal node bin packing algorithm can be get better performance than ranked positional weight technique. The terminal node bin packing algorithm decides minimum number of workstations and can be reduces the cycle time.
Key Words
Assembly Line Balancing, Terminal Node, Cycle Time, Bin
The study of the Mutual Influence of the Development of Economy and of Professional Sports in China 중국의 경제발전과 프로스포츠 상호 영향력 고찰
김종우JongWooKim , 신승호SeungHoShin
53(2) 281-292, 2014
The study of the Mutual Influence of the Development of Economy and of Professional Sports in China 중국의 경제발전과 프로스포츠 상호 영향력 고찰
김종우JongWooKim , 신승호SeungHoShin
This study is designed to understand relations between the development of Chinese economy and of Chinese professional sports which can represent where the Chinese professional sports should go for being developed. Detailed issues of the study are following. Investigation in the change of Chinese economy and of Chinese society is firstly conducted in this study. In addition, the development and change of professional sports are examined. The influence of each factor and the direction of development are dealt with. In order to reach the goal of the study, literature surveys are carried out where contents are extracted. The data used for the research are from international journals, governmental published data, and National Bureau of Statistics of China released after 2000.
The result of the study is that the development of Chinese economy has made contributions to the expansion of Chinese professional sports which additionally helps Chinese tertiary industry.
Finally, switch to service industry and the specialization of sport organization are required for the development both sport industry and economy.
Key Words
china, economy development, professional sports China economic, sports industry, policy, development
The Structural Relationship among Professional Sports Team"s Brand Equity, Team Identification and Team Loyalty: Focused on professional football and professional baseball 프로스포츠팀 브랜드자산과 팀동일시 및 충성도의 구조적 관계: 프로축구와 프로야구를 중심으로
권일권IlKwonKwon , 원도연DoYoenWon
53(2) 293-308, 2014
The Structural Relationship among Professional Sports Team"s Brand Equity, Team Identification and Team Loyalty: Focused on professional football and professional baseball 프로스포츠팀 브랜드자산과 팀동일시 및 충성도의 구조적 관계: 프로축구와 프로야구를 중심으로
권일권IlKwonKwon , 원도연DoYoenWon
The purpose of this study was to find the relationship of major factors that can be developed professional sports team’s brand equity and analyze the relationship between the factors of brand equity, team identification, and loyalty from sports customers to the professional football and baseball teams. 800 subjects were selected from two groups; professional football spectators at Busan, Daegu, Jeonbuk, Inchon, and Daejun (n=400) and professional baseball spectators at Busan, Daegu, Kwangju, Inchun, and Daejun (n=400). Convenience sampling method among was used for sampling. A total of 800 surveys were distributed and 737 surveys were actually used in this study. The following results were suggested. First, among the major factors of brand equity from professional football, experiential benefit, non-product related attribute, symbolic benefit, brand attitude factors were significant to team identification; and, the major factors of brand equity from professional baseball, experiential benefit, symbolic benefit, brand attitude, product related attribute factors were significant to team identification. Second, among the major factors of brand equity from professional football, experiential benefit, symbolic benefit, brand attitude factors significantly influenced team loyalty; and, among the major factors of brand equity from professional baseball, experiential benefit, symbolic benefit, product related attribute factors significantly influenced team loyalty. Last, team identification for both professional football and baseball significantly contributed to their team loyalty.
Key Words
Brand equity, Team identification, Loyalty
The Analysis of Consumption Behavior and Marketing Implication of Middle-Aged Women"s Outdoor Sportswear 중년여성들의 아웃도어스포츠웨어 소비행태 분석과 마케팅적 함의
김동규DongKyuKim , 한진욱JinWookHan
53(2) 309-321, 2014
The Analysis of Consumption Behavior and Marketing Implication of Middle-Aged Women"s Outdoor Sportswear 중년여성들의 아웃도어스포츠웨어 소비행태 분석과 마케팅적 함의
김동규DongKyuKim , 한진욱JinWookHan
The purpose of this study was to determine the changes in domestic outdoor sportswear market and verify the middle-aged women’s propensity to consume in aspect of marketing. 8 female middle-aged women who usually wore outdoor sportswear in mountain-climbing club were selected as research participants. Then analyzing the data which were collected by in-depth interview, the results were as follows. First, middle-aged women wore outdoor sportswear for mountain-climbing clothes as well as daily clothes. Second, middle-aged women used outdoor sportswear as a means of showing off fame and wealth. Third, middle-aged women recognized outdoor sportswear as not just luxury product but a discernment or preference which could perceive premium brand. Fourth, middle-aged women used outdoor sportswear as a means of expressing identity and personality. Fifth, middle-aged women used outdoor sportswear to grant themselves entitlement for wearing it such as giving gift themselves. Sixth, middle-aged women’s consumption behavior of outdoor sportswear tended to be found through experience.
The Effect of Country-of-Origin on Consumption Behaviors in Outdoor Sports Apparel: Moderating role of Consumption Pattern and Impulse Buying Tendency 아웃도어 스포츠의류의 원산지정보가 소비행동에 미치는 영향: 구매형태와 충동욕구의 조절효과
김동규DongKyuKim , 한진욱JinWookHan
53(2) 323-335, 2014
The Effect of Country-of-Origin on Consumption Behaviors in Outdoor Sports Apparel: Moderating role of Consumption Pattern and Impulse Buying Tendency 아웃도어 스포츠의류의 원산지정보가 소비행동에 미치는 영향: 구매형태와 충동욕구의 조절효과
김동규DongKyuKim , 한진욱JinWookHan
The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of country-of-origin on outdoor sports consumers’consumption behaviors and moderating effects of consumption types(on-line vs. off-line) and impulse buying tendency in the relation between country-of-origin and consumption behaviors. Toward this end, a total of 230 respondents was selected using a convenient sampling method and responded to the survey questionnaire. 221 usable data were utilized in data analyses procedure. After developing 2×2 between- subject factorial design, independent sample t-test and two-way ANOVA were used to test the research hypotheses. The results of this study were as follows. Firstly, country-of-origin had a significant effect on both perceived quality and purchase intention. Secondly, there was a moderating effect of consumption patterns in the relation between country-of-origin information and outdoor consumers` consumption behaviors. Thirdly, the result did not support any moderating effect of impulse buying purchase in the relation between country-of-origin information and outdoor consumers` consumption behaviors. Discussions and additional implications were also suggested.
The effect of Integrated Marketing Communication(IMC) activities on professional football club image and Loyalty 프로축구 구단의 이미지, 충성도 확장에 대한 통합 마케팅 커뮤니케이션(IMC)활동의 효과 연구
김용래YongRaeKim , 임태홍TeaHongLim , 이용수YoungSooLee
53(2) 337-345, 2014
The effect of Integrated Marketing Communication(IMC) activities on professional football club image and Loyalty 프로축구 구단의 이미지, 충성도 확장에 대한 통합 마케팅 커뮤니케이션(IMC)활동의 효과 연구
김용래YongRaeKim , 임태홍TeaHongLim , 이용수YoungSooLee
This study focused on the effects of professional football club Integrated Marketing Communication(IMC) on club image and club loyalty. The 390 respondents in the study were spectators of the games 2013 K-league classic. They were selected to achieve this purpose using convenient sampling, which is a kind of non-probability sampling method. Data analysis were processed through SPSS for Windows 18.0 program and analyzed by frequency analysis, factor analysis, Cronbach’s ?, correlation analysis, regression analysis. The results of study were as following. While IMC activities of professional football club had positive impact on images of football club. Second, in addition the subcomponents, mentioned above, had a positive impact on club loyalty. Third, club image contributes to a positive impact on maintaining club loyalty.
Key Words
Integrated Marketing Communication, IMC, professional football club, Club image, Club Loyalty
The Structural Relationships among Screen Golf Selection Attribute, Truth, Commitment, and Customer Loyalty: A Model Comparison according to Level of Usage 스크린 골프장 선택속성과 고객만족, 신뢰, 몰입 및 고객충성도와의 구조적인 관계: 이용정도에 따른 모형비교
강유원YuWonGang , 이제헌JeHunLee
53(2) 347-365, 2014
The Structural Relationships among Screen Golf Selection Attribute, Truth, Commitment, and Customer Loyalty: A Model Comparison according to Level of Usage 스크린 골프장 선택속성과 고객만족, 신뢰, 몰입 및 고객충성도와의 구조적인 관계: 이용정도에 따른 모형비교
강유원YuWonGang , 이제헌JeHunLee
The purpose of this study was to examine the structural relationship between screen golf selection attribute, truth, commitment and customer loyalty. In addition, this study was to examine that relative effect regarding each hypothesis influence on changes between low user group and high user group. The subjects of the study were 354 questionnaires who screen golf user. Data analysis used for SEM analysis, latent means analysis, and multiple group SEM analysis. After confirming the test of goodness of fit of a model, individual hypotheses was verified. The results were as follows: First, selection attribute of program and price had a positive influence on satisfaction and truth. But selection attribute of facilities not had a influence on all mediate variables. Second, satisfaction had a positive influence on truth, commitment and customer loyalty. Third, truth had a positive influence on commitment. Fourth, commitment had a positive influence on customer loyalty. In addition, as a result of making a latent means analysis to see if there exists a difference between the major variables of low user group and high user group. High user group showed higher latent means in viewing major variables than low user group. Further, As a result of examining the causal relationship between the variables established through the model on which path invariance constraints between groups were placed, it was found that there existed a difference between path of low user group and high user group.
Key Words
creen golf selection attribute satisfaction, truth commitment, customer Loyalty
The Relationships between Corporate Social Responsibility Activities and Positive Image of Fund Raising Businesses : A Case of Korea Sports Promotion Foundation (KSPO) 사회공헌활동과 기금조성사업의 긍정적 이미지와의 관계: 국민체육진흥공단을 중심으로
53(2) 367-380, 2014
The Relationships between Corporate Social Responsibility Activities and Positive Image of Fund Raising Businesses : A Case of Korea Sports Promotion Foundation (KSPO) 사회공헌활동과 기금조성사업의 긍정적 이미지와의 관계: 국민체육진흥공단을 중심으로
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between corporate social responsibility activities and positive image of fund raising businesses (i.e., cycle racing, motorboat racing, and sports toto business) for Korea Sports Promotion Foundation (KSPO). This study analyzed a survey answered by a purposeful sample of 312 people who visited Olympic park located in KSPO. PASW 18.0 was utilized to test frequency analyses, reliability analyses, and correlation analyses. Moreover, AMOS 18.0 was performed to conduct confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) and structural equation model (SEM). The results of this study are as follows: (1) corporate social responsibility activities (i.e., public, charitable, and social activities) of KSPO influenced significantly and positively on the image of fund raising businesses. (2) social responsibility activities of KSPO contributed more significantly to the positive image of cycle racing business than charitable and public responsibility activities. (3) charitable responsibility activities of KSPO contributed more significantly to the positive image of motorboat racing business than public and social responsibility activities. (4) social responsibility activities of KSPO contributed more significantly to the positive image of sports toto business than public responsibility activities.
Key Words
corporate social responsibility activities, fund raising businesses, cycle racing, motorboat racing, sports toto, positive image
Exploration of Practical Teaching Style Formation Process of Leisure Sports Instructors 생활체육지도자의 실천적 교수유형 형성과정 탐색
박민형MinHyeongPark , 여지은JiEunYeo
53(2) 381-393, 2014
Exploration of Practical Teaching Style Formation Process of Leisure Sports Instructors 생활체육지도자의 실천적 교수유형 형성과정 탐색
박민형MinHyeongPark , 여지은JiEunYeo
This study aimed to understand teaching leisure sport-related values, beliefs and teaching courses through exploring the process of leisure sport instructors’ formation of practical teaching style; to check the importance of leisure sport instructors who are the cornerstone of the development of leisure sport and propose the directing point and directions of teaching leisure sport in order to present correct understanding and effective learning for people who want to learn leisure sport and basic data on the effective methods of teaching for leisure sport instructors.
The researcher explained the content and purpose of research to each study participant in detail and selected the 4 leisure sport instructors who accepted to participate in the study as the study participants, and based on in-depth interviews and materials in which each study participant took pictures of their class field themselves, the following conclusions were obtained. Through this study, what meaning leisure sport instructors gave their way of instructions was examined, and it was found that they were making great efforts in preparing and studying constantly for class preparation methods that could increase their teaching quality, the development of leisure sport and their methods of teaching to give high-quality lessons to students who came to learn leisure sport.
Key Words
practical. teaching style, Leisure sport instructor
An Examination of Model Among Leisure Constraint, Leisure Constraint Negotiation and Participation Intention of Participants in Winter Sports. 동계스포츠 참가자의 여가제약, 여가제약협상 및 참가의도 간의 관계모형 검증
손승범SeungBumSon , 김보람BoRamKim
53(2) 395-406, 2014
An Examination of Model Among Leisure Constraint, Leisure Constraint Negotiation and Participation Intention of Participants in Winter Sports. 동계스포츠 참가자의 여가제약, 여가제약협상 및 참가의도 간의 관계모형 검증
손승범SeungBumSon , 김보람BoRamKim
The purpose of this study is to examine the model indicated relationship among leisure constraint, leisure constraint negotiation and participation intention of participants in winter sports. To achieve its goal, this study targeted on participate who visited the ski resort in Kangwon province and collecting the object of 337 from them during 2012-2013 winter sports season. As for statistical method for the data processing, this research conducted frequency analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis. And the following result came out using SPSS/WIN v. 20.0 and AMOS v. 20.0 and investigating confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling. First, structure model of the study which was set to explain leisure constraint, leisure constraint negotiation and participation intention of participants in winter sports were suitable. Second, leisure constraint has effect on leisure constraint negotiation and also, leisure constraint negotiation has high effect on participation intention. And leisure constraint has effect participation intention but it is sho
swn low effect size and direct effect is higher than indirect effect. Therefore when Participants in Winter Sports are confronted with factor of leisure constraint, they have a strong will for solving a problem. It has high effect on participation intention through.
Meaning and Practical Application of Leisure as a Cultural Welfare for Adjustment of Marriage Migrant Women in Korea 문화복지로써 결혼이주여성의 한국생활적응을 위한 여가의 의미와 활용 방안
김영미YoungMeeKim , 박수선SuSunPark , 김일광IllGwangKim
53(2) 407-421, 2014
Meaning and Practical Application of Leisure as a Cultural Welfare for Adjustment of Marriage Migrant Women in Korea 문화복지로써 결혼이주여성의 한국생활적응을 위한 여가의 의미와 활용 방안
김영미YoungMeeKim , 박수선SuSunPark , 김일광IllGwangKim
This study aimed is to investigate the possibility of cultural welfare approach for adjustment of marriage migrant women’s leisure life in Korea. For this purpose, data were collected by in-depth-interviews 6 marriage migrants women who came from 3 countries such as Vietnam, Philippines, China. The conclusion is as follows; First, leisure of marriage migrant women had positive affects on adaptation of Korea society. Especially, in the early marriage stage, leisure activity contributed women’s emotional stability. Leisure constraints include lack of economic factors and community facilities, lack of time and family’s support is the main leisure obstacle of marriage migrant women. Second, it is need to support of life cycle leisure program from early in multicultural family support centers and to makes leisure program to match up to need of marriage migrant women. And it is need to develop of various family leisure program and policy for family life satisfaction and social stability.
Key Words
marriage migrant women, Leisure Life, adjustment in Korea, cultural welfare
Impact of Leisure Satisfaction of Leisure Sports Participants on Leisure Involvement and Leisure Benefits 여가스포츠 활동 참여자의 여가만족이 여가몰입 및 여가이득에 미치는 영향
이계석KyrSokLee , 최성범SungBumChoi , 한태용TaeYongHan
53(2) 423-431, 2014
Impact of Leisure Satisfaction of Leisure Sports Participants on Leisure Involvement and Leisure Benefits 여가스포츠 활동 참여자의 여가만족이 여가몰입 및 여가이득에 미치는 영향
이계석KyrSokLee , 최성범SungBumChoi , 한태용TaeYongHan
The purpose of this study is to identify the leisure satisfaction of leisure sports participants on leisure involvement and leisure benefits through a structural model. To accomplish the objective, 400 participants in the following sports or leisure activities were surveyed in Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, Chungcheong-do, and Gangwon-do in 2014: swimming; hiking; yoga; golf, bodybuilding; badminton; soccer. Among the 389 collected questionnaires, 20 of them deemed to be not reliable were excluded, and 369 of them were selected as valid samples for analysis. The data was processed using PASW Ver 18.0 and AMOS 18.0 to conduct the following analysis: reliability analysis; confirmatory factor analysis; correlation analysis; structural equation modeling analysis. The findings are as follows. First, leisure satisfaction had a significant impact on leisure involvement. Second, leisure satisfaction had no significant impact on leisure benefits. Third, leisure involvement had a significant impact on leisure benefits.
The Mediating and Moderating Effects of Identity in the Relationship between Passion and Mental Health among College Dance Students 무용전공 대학생의 열정과 정신건강 간의 관계에서 무용 정체성의 매개 및 조절효과
53(2) 433-444, 2014
The Mediating and Moderating Effects of Identity in the Relationship between Passion and Mental Health among College Dance Students 무용전공 대학생의 열정과 정신건강 간의 관계에서 무용 정체성의 매개 및 조절효과
This study tested the mediating and moderating effects of identity in the relationship between passion for dance and mental health among dance students. The participants were 558 male and female dance students (74 males, 484 females) from six universities. The average age was 6.87 years. They responded to a set of questionnaires measuring passion for dance, identity, and mental health. For the data, descriptive statistics, one-way MANOVA, correlations, and hierarchical regression analysis were conducted. The results of the hierarchical regression analyses indicated that harmonious and obsessive passions for dance were predictors of university dance students’ mental health, but dance identity was unrelated with the level of mental health. Also, a significant two-way interaction of harmonious passion and social identity positively influenced on students’ mental health. Students with low obsessive passion for dance reported higher level of positive mental health when they perceived high social identity. The results of structural equation modeling showed that identity partially mediated the relationship between obsessive passion and mental health. These findings suggest that university students should participate in the dance class for their own growth and skills development, and clearly perceive their identity as a dancer in order to enhance their mental health.
The Mediating Effects of Coping Strategy in the Relation between Stress Appraisals and Persistence among Dance Students at Universities 무용전공 대학생의 스트레스 평가와 지속행동의 관계에서 대처전략의 매개효과
정하율HaYuJeong , 임지형JiHyoungLim
53(2) 445-455, 2014
The Mediating Effects of Coping Strategy in the Relation between Stress Appraisals and Persistence among Dance Students at Universities 무용전공 대학생의 스트레스 평가와 지속행동의 관계에서 대처전략의 매개효과
정하율HaYuJeong , 임지형JiHyoungLim
The purposes of this study were to examine investigate the mediating roles of coping strategies in the relationships between cognitive appraisals to stress and persistence. Participants were 341 male and female dance students from five universities. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, one-way MANAOVA, correlations, and hierarchical multiple regression. The results of the study were as follows: First, students’ challenge appraisals not only directly facilitated task persistence, but also positively had a indirect effect on it through the problem-solving coping and negatively influenced on it via avoidance coping. Second, students’ threat appraisals directly influenced on persistence, but positively had a indirect effect through problem-solving coping and negatively a indirect effects through emotion-oriented coping. The findings suggest that dance students’ level of cognitive appraisals, stress coping, and persistence can be perceived differently according to their dance careers and dance genres, and the types of cognitive appraisals can influence on students’ class behavior according to their choice about coping strategies.
The Relationship among Physical Self-perception, Dance Flow and Performance Confidence of University Students Majoring in Dance 무용전공 대학생의 신체적 자기지각과 무용몰입 및 공연자신감의 관계
The Relationship among Physical Self-perception, Dance Flow and Performance Confidence of University Students Majoring in Dance 무용전공 대학생의 신체적 자기지각과 무용몰입 및 공연자신감의 관계
The purpose of this study was to find out relationship among physical self-perception, dance flow and performance confidence of university students majoring in dance. Using a convenience sampling method, 263 students majoring in dance were selected from universities located in Seoul. Frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, correlations analysis and structural equation model analysis were executed using SPSS Window 21.0 Version and AMOS 21.0 programs. As the results, the following conclusion was derived. First, it was discovered that the physical self-perception had static influence to the dance flow. Second, it showed that the physical self-perception gave static influence to the performance confidence. Third, the dance flow did not affect the performance confidence.
An Analysis the Differences of Illegal Sports-Toto Gambling Participants" Participation Behaviors and Willingness to Change to Legal Sports-Toto Gambling Participation According to the Level of Gambling Addition 불법 스포츠토토 참여자들의 도박중독수준에 따른 이용행태 및 합법 스포츠토토 전환의사 차이분석
임태성AeSeounLim , 이호열HoYoulLee , 김주용JuYongKim
53(2) 469-483, 2014
An Analysis the Differences of Illegal Sports-Toto Gambling Participants" Participation Behaviors and Willingness to Change to Legal Sports-Toto Gambling Participation According to the Level of Gambling Addition 불법 스포츠토토 참여자들의 도박중독수준에 따른 이용행태 및 합법 스포츠토토 전환의사 차이분석
임태성AeSeounLim , 이호열HoYoulLee , 김주용JuYongKim
This study conducted survey with 257 participants who have participated in illegal Sport Toto gambling by carrying out cross-tab analysis, x2 verification and one-way ANOVA in order for an analysis of gambling addiction level of illegal Sports-Toto participants and their willingness to change into legal Sports-Toto gambling. First, The ratio of 20s~30s, Single and less than college graduates showed up highly in all groups(group=G). Second, the problematic risk G had higher proportion in more than 3 times a week in the participation frequency, the ratio of less than ₩30,000 in all G was the highest in bet for one game. The higher dividend rate for non-problematic G and problematic risk G and easy to buy for low-risk G and moderate-risk G had the highest ratio in a reason of participation. The ration of participation route was through relatives in all G. All G except non-problematic G tended to show no fearless in crackdown, crackdown experience showed up relatively high distribution in problematic risk G. Third, willing to switch showed that low-risk G and moderate-risk G wanted improving handiness of method more than problematic risk G, low-risk G selected diversifying the products more than problematic risk G, and low-risk G chose extending the deadline more than non-problematic G and problematic risk G. The non-problematic G showed lower ratio than moderate-risk G and problematic risk G in enhancing the crackdown, non-problematic G showed lower ratio than other G in enhancing the penalty.
Key Words
Illegal SportsToto, Gambling addiction, Behaviors, Willingness to Change to Legal Sports-Toto
Effects of resistance exercise and high-protein diet on insulin resistance and mitochondrial biogenesis of sarcopenic obese rat 저항성 운동과 고단백식이가 sarcopenic obese rat의 인슐린 저항성 및 미토콘드리아 생합성에 미치는 영향
정수련SuRyunJung , 안나영NaYoungAhn , 김기진KiJinKim
53(2) 485-496, 2014
Effects of resistance exercise and high-protein diet on insulin resistance and mitochondrial biogenesis of sarcopenic obese rat 저항성 운동과 고단백식이가 sarcopenic obese rat의 인슐린 저항성 및 미토콘드리아 생합성에 미치는 영향
정수련SuRyunJung , 안나영NaYoungAhn , 김기진KiJinKim
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of resistance exercise and high-protein diet on insulin resistance and mitochondrial biogenesis of sarcopenic obese rat. 50-week old male Wistar rat (n=70) were purchased and take adaptation period of one week. Except a group of general formula (Chow), rats were provided high-fat diet for 4 weeks to induce obesity. The high-fat induced rats were randomly assigned for 4 groups (FD, FP, FEx, FPEx). The 8-week of resistance exercise and high-protein diet significantly reduced body weight and abdominal fat weight. Also an insulin resistance of skeletal muscle significantly improved. This phenomenon happens together with an increase in mitochondrial biogenesis through the increase electron transport protein (Core2, NADH-UO) in the skeletal muscle. Therefore an 8-week resistance training and high-protein diet improve insulin resistance as the improvement of body composition and mitochondrial biogenesis in sarcopenic obese rats.
The Effect of Sarcopenia Index, Inflammation Cytokine and Insulin Resistance in Aerobic and Resistance Exercise of Frail Elderly Women 유산소와 저항성 운동이 허약 여성노인의 근육감소증 지표, 염증성 사이토카인 및 인슐린저항성에 미치는 영향
53(2) 497-508, 2014
The Effect of Sarcopenia Index, Inflammation Cytokine and Insulin Resistance in Aerobic and Resistance Exercise of Frail Elderly Women 유산소와 저항성 운동이 허약 여성노인의 근육감소증 지표, 염증성 사이토카인 및 인슐린저항성에 미치는 영향
This study was carried out in order to find out effects of the sarcopenia index, inflammation cytokine and insulin resistance in aerobic and resistance exercise of frail elderly women. The subjects consisted of the exercise group(n=7), and control exercise group(n=7). Exercise group had exercise 3 times a week for 12 weeks with the aerobic exercise and resistance exercise. The exercise group to be performed the aerobic exercise was intensity of heart rate reserve 40~59% for 30 minutes and the resistance exercise was performed for 30 minutes using elastic band. The sarcopenia index, inflammatory cytokine, and insulin resistance were measured and analyzed at pre- and post- exercise program. 1) The skeletal muscle index(SMI) were significantly increased after exercise program. 2) The Inflammatory cytokine(IL-6, TNF-α, and hs-CRP) levels did not significantly differ after exercise program. 3) The Insulin resistance(blood glucose, insulin, and HOMA-IR) were significantly decreased after exercise program. Conclusion, Aerobic and resistance exercise program had beneficial effects on SMI, and insulin resistance in frail elderly women.
The Effects of Combined Exercise Treatment on PSD95-NMDA Receptor and Glial Cell Line-Derived Neurotrophic Factor in Rat Hippocampus 복합운동처치가 흰쥐 해마의 PSD95-NMDA 수용체 변화와 신경영양인자에 미치는 영향
권성진SungJinKwon , 송광섭KwangSeopSong , 권선옥SunOkKwon
53(2) 509-522, 2014
The Effects of Combined Exercise Treatment on PSD95-NMDA Receptor and Glial Cell Line-Derived Neurotrophic Factor in Rat Hippocampus 복합운동처치가 흰쥐 해마의 PSD95-NMDA 수용체 변화와 신경영양인자에 미치는 영향
권성진SungJinKwon , 송광섭KwangSeopSong , 권선옥SunOkKwon
This study was performed to investigating expression changes of GDNF by 4 week-period of treadmill exercise and bright light through ChAT promoted synthesis of acetylcholine, SYP related to presynaptic protein, and PSD95·NMDAR·p-CaMKⅡ known as the most important proteins in the postsynapse targeting hippocampus of 5-week-old male rats of the Sprague-Dawley by western blot analysis. This study showed that expression of PSD95 and ChAT increased significantly in the group with treadmill exercise and bright light compared to the control group. However, SYP protein changes were not significant differences. Moreover, NMDA receptor increased significantly in the group with treadmill exercise and bright light compared to the control group. In addition, after activating of PSD95-NMDAR in the postsynapse, the expression of p-CaMKⅡ and GDNF protein increased significantly in the group with treadmill exercise and bright light compared to the control group. In conclusion, this study showed that treadmill exercise and bright light were closely related to memory and cognitive function in the hippocampus. Also we confirmed that they had positive effects on improvement of brain function, neurogenesis, and neuroprotective actions according to increasing GDNF.
Comparison of low back and abdominal muscle activities in gateball golf and croquet style swing 게이트볼 골프형 스윙과 크로케형 스윙 시 허리 및 복부 근육 활동 비교
김영재YoungJaeKim , 임비오BeeOhLim
53(2) 523-530, 2014
Comparison of low back and abdominal muscle activities in gateball golf and croquet style swing 게이트볼 골프형 스윙과 크로케형 스윙 시 허리 및 복부 근육 활동 비교
김영재YoungJaeKim , 임비오BeeOhLim
The purpose of this study was to comparison of low back and abdominal muscle activities in gateball golf style and croquet style swing. The participants were eight(male 4 and female 4) and evaluated electromyographic(EMG) activity of right and left rectus abdominus, external oblique and erect spinae muscles during a gateball swing. The task was hit the ball at start line and through the first gate and attached side lines. Independent t-test was used to compare the distance and two-way repeated measures ANOVA was used to compare clubs and muscles. The croquet style swing was attached the ball in side line closely than golf style swing. Also, the croquet style swing was higher muscle activities in rectus abdominus, external oblique and erect spinae muscles during a gateball swing than those of golf style swing.
Key Words
%fat, BMI, regression model
A Comparative Analysis of Two Inflatable Kayak’s Effect on Players and Kayak Performances 두 종류 공기주입식 카약 보트의 성능 비교 및 선수 수행력 비교 분석
이종훈ChongHoonLee , 박용현YongHyunPark , 박용현KiJeongNam
53(2) 531-540, 2014
A Comparative Analysis of Two Inflatable Kayak’s Effect on Players and Kayak Performances 두 종류 공기주입식 카약 보트의 성능 비교 및 선수 수행력 비교 분석
이종훈ChongHoonLee , 박용현YongHyunPark , 박용현KiJeongNam
The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences between two inflatable kayak by recording performance related variables during the kayak forward stroke motion. A total of 5 elite high school kayak players were recruited to participate while their kinematics and muscle activations were recorded while performing inside their high school swimming pool. Boat velocity, boats swaying angle, the average angular velocity and were used to evaluate the boats performance. The player’s trunk rotational range of motion, knee flexion-extension angle range of motion, maximum trunk rotation angle, the knee flexion-extension angular velocity, and the upper and lower limb muscle activations were calculated and analyzed for the player’s efficiency evaluation. There were no significantly different variables for the player’s kinematics and their muscle activations for the two conditions. The B kayak was significantly faster than the A kaya. In addition there were no significant differences between the remaining variables for the two kayaks. In conclusion, the B kayak was faster than the A kayak, but neither of the kayaks had an influence on the player’s performance variables.
Key Words
inflatable kayak, velocity, ROM
A Biomechanic Analysis of Jump Front Kick Movement in Wushu 우슈 등공정척퇴 동작의 운동역학적 분석
53(2) 541-550, 2014
A Biomechanic Analysis of Jump Front Kick Movement in Wushu 우슈 등공정척퇴 동작의 운동역학적 분석
This study analyzes the jump front kick movement in wushu in four well-performing wushu athletes and four non well-performing ones. The study arrives at the following conclusion after conducting a comparative analysis of biomechanic variables through movement analysis and ground reaction force. Initially, in order to effectively carry out the jump front kick movement, it is important to increase the jump height by maximizing the volume of movement from the ready position to the jumping motion, thereby quickly switching the kinetic energy into the potential energy. At this moment, the jumping motion must have a great perpendicular force achieved from the ground reaction force, and the momentum must transfer from the thigh to the lower leg, and then to the foot. The jump front kick, therefore, it is thought that an effective jump front kick gives an impact to the target by expending the knee maximally while keeping the ankle at 90 degrees.
Key Words
wushu, jump front kick, biomechanic
Effects of specificity training on agonist muscle activities in elite shotputters 특이성 훈련프로그램이 포환던지기 선수의 주동근 활동에 미치는 영향
이명선MyungSunLee , 이정흔JeongHeunLee , 이문숙MoonSookLee
53(2) 551-566, 2014
Effects of specificity training on agonist muscle activities in elite shotputters 특이성 훈련프로그램이 포환던지기 선수의 주동근 활동에 미치는 영향
이명선MyungSunLee , 이정흔JeongHeunLee , 이문숙MoonSookLee
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a shotput-specific training program on agonist muscle activity in elite shotputter. We hypothesized that the group participating in the specialized program would have higher levels of agonist muscle activity compared with the control. Nine high school athletes (5 experimental and 4 control). The experimental group performed 12 weeks of the specialized training program. An analysis of covariance was used to find out the difference in agonist muscle activity between the experimental and the control. All comparisons were made at the p<.05 level of significance. The results indicated that the experimental group showed higher agonist muscle activity compared to the control(p<.05). Agonist muscle activity by body segment showed a significant increase(p<.05). Of the shotput technique phases, the third phase showed higher muscle activity than the other phases(p<.05).
Key Words
shotput-specific training program, agonist muscle activity, elite shotputter
Weight Distribution of the Supporting Foot and Muscle Activity of the Upper Extremity according to the Target Distance in Golf Pitch Shot 골프 피칭 동작 시 목표 거리에 따른 지지발의 체중 분포와 상지의 근육활동
김호묵HoMookKim , 우상연SangYeonWoo
53(2) 567-578, 2014
Weight Distribution of the Supporting Foot and Muscle Activity of the Upper Extremity according to the Target Distance in Golf Pitch Shot 골프 피칭 동작 시 목표 거리에 따른 지지발의 체중 분포와 상지의 근육활동
김호묵HoMookKim , 우상연SangYeonWoo
The purposes of this study were to examine weight distribution of the supporting foot and muscle activity of upper extremity according to the target distance in golf pitch shot. Each of the subjects who are the 10 professionals and 10 amateurs were picked out to measure distances of 100%, 75%, 50% and 25% of sand wedge full-swing. Novel Pedar-x and Noraxon Telemyo 940 system were used to collect the data for the related variables. The results were as follows; a) at the backswing top, the weight distribution of the right foot for the full swing distance was the biggest and the smallest for the distance of 25%, b) at the finish, the weight distribution of the professional’s left foot was bigger than that of the amateurs, c) in backswing phase, the muscle activity of flexor carpi radialis at the full swing distance was the biggest and the professional’s %RVC of right biceps brachii was smaller than that for the amateurs, d) in downswing phase, the muscle activity of the upper extremity at the distance of 25% was the smallest, the professional’s %RVC of the left flexor carpi radialis, right extensor carpi radialis, and right biceps brachii was smaller than that for the amateurs, and e) in the follow-through phase, the professional’s %RVC of right biceps brachii and left extensor carpi radialis was small.
Trend Analysis of Exercise Content on the Men’s Floor Exercise in the 44th Artistic Gymnastics World Championships 제44회 기계체조 세계선수권대회 남자 마루운동 결승경기의 연기내용 동향분석
남승구SeungKuNam , 김동민DongMinKim
53(2) 579-588, 2014
Trend Analysis of Exercise Content on the Men’s Floor Exercise in the 44th Artistic Gymnastics World Championships 제44회 기계체조 세계선수권대회 남자 마루운동 결승경기의 연기내용 동향분석
남승구SeungKuNam , 김동민DongMinKim
The purpose of this study was to analyze 8 gymnasts’, who participated in the 44th Artistic Gymnastics World Championships, artistic completion based on their exercise content on the floor exercise, frequencies of each group element, and types of deduction in depth. Data were videos capturing movements employing IRCOS video system from F.I.G. and official performance results. There were 3 main results from both data analysis. First, in the starting point SHIRAI(JPN) received 7.40 which was the highest points and UCHIMURA(JPN) and MORGAN(CAN) got 6.40 which was the lowest points. Skill execution frequencies in the degree of difficulty of the technique, degree were 4 Fs (5%), 14 Es (17.5%), 32 Ds (40%), 26 Cs (32.5%), and 4 Bs (5%). SHIRAI(JPN) got 0.60 that was the highest and HAMBUECHEN(GER) made 0.20 which was the lowest in the connection value. Secondly, in the frequencies of element group type, group III was 31times (39.24%) followed by, group II 26times (32.91%), group IV 12 times (15.18%), and group 10 times(12.65%). And 5 types from group I, 8 types from group II, 14 types from group III, and 6 types from group IV were presented in the skill types of element groups. Frequencies of total degree of difficulty of the technique were 36 Ds(45.56%), 29 Cs(36.70%), 6 Es(7.59%), 5 Bs(6.32%), and 4 Fs(5.06%). Thirdly, there were 11 types of deduct points and based on artistic completion with deduct points UCHIMURA(JPN) made 91% which was the highest, HYPOLITO(BRA) and MORGAN(CAN) made 85% that was the lowest.
Key Words
exercise content. floor exercise, element group, deduction, artistic gymnastics world championships.
Mediating Effect of Participation Satisfaction in the Relationship between Expected Effect of Disability Sports Event and Local Image 장애인스포츠이벤트 기대효과와 지역이미지의 관계에서 참여만족도의 매개효과
임찬혁ChanHyukYim , 김지태JiTaeKim
53(2) 589-601, 2014
Mediating Effect of Participation Satisfaction in the Relationship between Expected Effect of Disability Sports Event and Local Image 장애인스포츠이벤트 기대효과와 지역이미지의 관계에서 참여만족도의 매개효과
임찬혁ChanHyukYim , 김지태JiTaeKim
The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of expected effect of the Winter National Sports Festival for the Disabled as sports event on local image by mediating satisfaction of participants, based on the question of infrastructure of the Winter Sports for the Disabled. As population, players, officers, guardians, audience, and local resident were selected who participate in the 10th Winter National Sports Festival for the Disabled of 2013, and purposive sampling was carried out on them. Data on 259 persons were used for analysis. Measurement Scales were selected through preceding research and verified construct validity by confirmatory factor analysis. Hypothesis test on collected data was conducted by using Amos 20.0 programs. The result of inquiry into causal relationship among expected effect of sports event, participation satisfaction, and local image of the participants in the Winter National Sports Festival for the Disabled showed that expected effect of sports event had positively significant effect on participation satisfaction, and expected effect of sports event had positively significant effect on local image; and participation satisfaction had positively significant on local image, and at the same time played a mediating role in the relationship between expected effect of sports event and local image.
Key Words
sports event, participation satisfaction, local image, winter national sports festival for the disabled, mediating effect
Grounded Theory Approach on the Participation Process and Participation Meanings of Wheelchair Curling 휠체어컬링의 참여과정과 참여의미에 대한 근거이론적 접근
The purpose of this study was to analyze and consider the process and meanings of participation of wheelchair curling by using a grounded theory method. Research targets were 5 athletes of wheelchair curling who have participated to national games and they are representing B city in 2012 through theoretical sampling. For the result analysis, concepts based on a grounded theory method suggested by Strauss and Corbin(1990) were derived, and the paradigm was developed. As a result of open coding, numbers of concepts were 469 and 41 sub categories and 18 upper categories. It was resulted that the core phenomenon of the process and meanings of participation by wheelchair curling athletes was ‘psychological burden’ such as ‘Intimidating’, ‘skepticism’, ‘awareness of others’ and ‘suffering’, and causal conditions reacted to the core phenomenon was ‘Participation’, ‘strange’, ‘immature’. In addition, situational context was ‘environmental constraints’, ‘physical functional disability’ and ‘normative beliefs’. Besides, interventional situation influencing to a process for preventing the core phenomenon was ‘team work’ and ‘individual meaning’. Interaction strategy to prepare against the core phenomenon was used a method of ‘positive attitude for exercise’, ‘relationship to overcome’ and ‘environmental overcome’. According to interaction strategies, the result was ‘objective meaning’, ‘contextual meaning’ and ‘meaning for friendship’.
Lifestyle and Motivation for Participation of Sport Participants with Physical Disability 스포츠 참여 지체장애인의 라이프스타일과 참여동기
김지태JiTaeKim , 박어랑UhRangPark , 오아라AhRaOh
53(2) 619-629, 2014
Lifestyle and Motivation for Participation of Sport Participants with Physical Disability 스포츠 참여 지체장애인의 라이프스타일과 참여동기
김지태JiTaeKim , 박어랑UhRangPark , 오아라AhRaOh
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of lifestyle of sport participants with physical disability on motivation for participation. In order to achieve this goal, purposeful sampling method widely used among non-probability sampling methods was used to select physically disabled who use welfare facilities and sports centers in 5 province areas. 248 participants were used for the final samples for this study. As for survey tool, questionnaires used for previous studies were modified and supplemented to be used. The questionnaires were collected right after the participants filled out questionnaires. The data were analyzed by frequency analysis, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis using SPSS Win Ver, 18.0. The followings were as the results: First, there were partial differences in lifestyle and motivation for participation according to individual background variables(i.e., age, sex, level of education, disability rating) of sport participants with physical disability. Second, lifestyle of the physically disabled influenced all the sub-factors(i.e., intrinsic, outward, confirmatory control) of level of motivation for participation.
Key Words
physical disability, lifestyle, motivation for participation, welfare facilities
Composition of Relation between Essential Meaning of BMI and Fat that Contributes to Female Trunk Circumference BMI의 본질적 의미와 여자 체간부둘레 길이와의 관계구도
김준동JunDongKim , 백승희SeungHuiBaek , 伊藤幹
53(2) 631-640, 2014
Composition of Relation between Essential Meaning of BMI and Fat that Contributes to Female Trunk Circumference BMI의 본질적 의미와 여자 체간부둘레 길이와의 관계구도
김준동JunDongKim , 백승희SeungHuiBaek , 伊藤幹
In this study multiple regression analyses were performed for BMI, trunk circumference (lower chest circumference, abdominal circumference, hip circumference), body fat percentage, and muscle mass percentage in 395 Japanese female university students (age 18-22 years). Second order and higher regression polynomial equations were applied and a valid regression equation order was derived to examine regression compositions of body fat percentage, muscle mass percentage, and trunk circumference with respect to BMI. As measurements of body composition elements, lower chest circumference, abdominal circumference, and hip circumference were measured for body fat percentage, muscle mass percentage, and trunk circumference. The results showed coefficients of determination of R²=.61 for BMI and body fat percentage and R²=.59 for BMI and muscle mass percentage. This makes it possible to evaluate fat, muscle accumulation degree, and the size of trunk circumference for an individual’s BMI, which is thought to be valuable in relation to physical evaluation of women and their body image. The primary regression composition seen for muscle mass percentage, lower chest circumference, and abdominal circumference in this study may indicate a new, essential meaning of BMI. A relationship composition is proposed that is closely associated with trunk circumference.
Key Words
BMI, Delayed menarche, Change of BMI with age, Age at MPV, maximum peak velocity, Physical stress